SocialDJ launched an hour ago

SocialDJ mix your youtube music videos

The app that allows you to mix upto 165 youtube videos and 1000 mixes  for continuous listening pleasure and social sharing SocialDJ just released an hour ago. A baby, this app is a debut  and features multi mobile video streaming. The app is free to use and can be used to accumulate your favorite music.

SocialDJ is inherently a facebook app thats supported by a larger backend – the media gaming portal. So once you mix your music and post your DJ note..the music mix is available to the thereby shareable on social networks. The app sports a mixer with a shuffle feature that enables you to make variants of mixes.

Once mixed your mix becomes public permanent authored by you…you may take any available mix and ‘Grind’ it into its components thus achieving the reverse process of music playlist mixing.

The process begins with a search wherein you search for your favorite music artist , song or video and socialDJ gives you platter spread of videos that match your search. Thereafter you need to only click on the videos of your choice or drag them into the mixer… and arrange them in the order that you want your music to play. Arranging is simply a matter of left to right top to bottom priority…so it doent matter if youve not made a perfect matrix of songs or videos as long as one is to the left of the other or on top of the other they will play likewise on SocialDJ. If you do not have a preconceived priority in mind, the app has one just for you …’Shuffle’..once you have ten videos in your mix you can shuffle them to get a random or desired random order for playing.

SocialDJ mobile music

SocialDJ mobile music

If you’re clueless about artists videos or music and auto suggestion feature provokes your thought process that lets you choose your favorite  music. The app requires that you have atleast 5 videos in the mixer before it allows you to mix…the upper limit is limitless and only limited by youtube current technology making 165 videos per mix an upper barrier…but then that at the minimum six and a half hours of music…

Opening with a singleton menu the app looks quite simple at first, but its power is hidden within its usage. As you make new mixes your mixes start appearing on the menu tab…the app also proposes to introduce the facebook scrub feature…a feature that will have you basking off the youtube shares on facebook especially those of social groups dedicated to music be it the Carl Orff community or the like of Beyonce…

SocialDJ Playlist Matrix

SocialDJ Playlist Matrix

The most likeable feature of the app is its sturdy backbone feature that supports all mobiles…nevertheless first hand info is that optimization for iphone and Galaxy variants is under process…the most complex aspect being that of the android clones Applewebkit undertakings…long story short….sometime back most mobile companies thought they could use Apple technology free of cost and escaped royalty patents by changing the definitions of height to width and width to height making for a whole cloud of confusion in the devices market…the result every app has to be tested on every mobile device out there in the world to ensure the rotation and gyration features work as they’re supposed to else you’ll end up having a longer video…(psst…not in terms of duration)..

While you check out this app remember ..its the alpha edition and there lots more to come by in terms of features and innovation…this app is so new that at the time of this writing SocialDJ hasn’t finalized their logo for facebooks acceptance..

by Lou Friday, 04 July 2014 19:12

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