Return to Arabia for another puzzling adventure Can you eliminate all the keys before time runs out
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More Games by Spil.
Do you enjoy a game with a difference, unlike other 'save' this is different, you get to twist the paths that the dod's walk on to guide them to safety. The game has you placed on multi tier road which is split into a 3 by 3 matrix and the dodo's fall from a black hole and are on their path through dangerous terrain. Like a rubix cube you twist the paths to get them to fall into the safety net. Levels 1 & 2 are introductory and oversimplified to get you to understand how simple the game is . Then from level 3 onward it becomes really interesting as paths start to slope and challenges increase in difficult. C'mon now go save a few dodo's.. Click on icon to load game :3
Eh boy Another zombie invasion is under way Lets grab some grenades and get to work Click on icon to load game :3
Hoping to look fresh and fabulous this winter The Sakura girls will teach you how Click on icon to load game :3
Kim definitely has her pick of the litterbut which boy should she date Click on icon to load game :3
Easter is a great time to dressand pets love it too Which outfit will you choose Click on icon to load game :3
Get ready for some good ol webslinging This awesome arachnid is defending his home from some pesky rats Click on icon to load game :3
An exciting Tower Defense game, your enemies strategically have to follow a path and you place your armed resources on the path. The cost of war is in the loot...and when you suppress the invasion you will find gold coins strewn here and there. Collect gold to strengthen your army finances, you can use the money collected to buy new armed towers and use your final score per level to upgrade the force, speed or skill of your armed forces. For every Tower you can choose from three battalion units at the cheapest end of your spectrum is the hacker he is armed with an axe and will hack down the invaders as they get past. The next pricey battalion is the archer and the highest is the KNight. Goes without saying their reach is limited by their arms and skills. You need to choose the towers with strategy in mind, in the beginning it may be wise to go with the lowest cost hacker and set them up right upfront so that you can earn gold and quickly place a defense force near the doors of the palace. You win a lvel when you cross a certain point based system Click on icon to load game :3
Game Title | 1001 Arabian Nights 3 |
Play Count | 6342 |
High Scoring: | No |
Folder: | Y88 Games ยป Puzzles |
Scores | 0 |
Current rating | 0/5 |